“New year, new you!” Sure, it’s a little bit cheesy, but there’s a positive and optimistic sentiment there; the idea that a new year brings a fresh start…

But, let’s be honest here; very rarely do we follow through with the resolutions that we set for ourselves. And since we’re being honest, after the last couple of years we’ve all had to endure, I think we can all agree on giving ourselves a break this time around.

So, we are proposing an alternative; rather than set a new year’s resolution for yourself, set one for your business instead!

For example: focus on what to expect in technology through 2022 and how you can leverage these trends to benefit your business!

What to expect in technology through 2022?

COVID-19 has altered the playing field significantly in terms of taking care of business and has subsequently inspired (or rather, forced) a number of necessary innovations.

Certainly, the digitalisation of every business and their processes was an eventuality either way, but with the pandemic, it simply sped the process up.

Those who readily embraced the emerging trends are thriving, and those who remained rigid in their processes have been struggling.

But, what does this mean for you as a small business owner?

1 – Remote working / WFH (work from home) is on the rise

This doesn’t apply to every industry, but with government-sanctioned quarantines and the necessity to self-isolate, being able to operate your business from home has never been more important than it is today.

Certainly, most people are returning to the office and functioning as normal, but if we’ve learned one thing from the last two years, it’s that all of that can change at the drop of a hat. We also know that there is a group who may not be able to return to the office just yet.

So, what can you do, as a small business owner, is to ensure you have the capability, if required, to operate your business from home? Or indeed, accommodate your employees and enable them to work remotely without having to close the office entirely?

The biggest concern in this regard is security. It’s easy enough to have an employee set up and working from home but if they are accessing your sensitive information remotely, without the proper security measures in place, you are putting your business at risk.

Fortunately, here at Computer Troubleshooters, setting small business owners like yourself up with IT security solutions is what we do!

2 – Communications applications are crucial

Having fluid communication between departments has always been essential, but now more than ever it is vital. Of course, there is plenty of cheap and cheerful video conference software available for you to use, but there’s always a fair amount of organisation involved.

If you need fast and reliable alternatives to remaining in contact with your employees, particularly if working remotely, then we can help you with your VoIP (voice over internet protocol) and NBN network requirements.

●        Lower costs

●        Increased accessibility

●        Complete portability

●        Higher scalability

●        Advanced features for small and large teams

●        Clearer voice quality

●        Supports multitasking

Again, video conferencing apps like Skype, Zoom, and the likes can bring many benefits. However, when you need to connect with an employee, colleague, or stakeholder immediately, it helps to have other suitable communication applications in place.

3 – Remote IT support is a must-have

Naturally, not every small business can justify having a dedicated IT department in-house. This is even more relevant now that many people are having to operate their businesses from home. As such, having remote third-party IT support solutions is a strong recommendation.

That way, no matter what your situation, with a quick phone call you can have the full support and cooperation of a dedicated and highly-specialised IT expert assisting you.

4 – Cloud-based IT solutions are crucial

Having Cloud-based IT solutions is not only crucial for supporting a remote working environment but doing business in the current climate in general.

Again, the total digitalisation of businesses and the way they handle the day-to-day processes was an eventuality either way, but recent events have brought that trend forward and made it even more important for business owners to embrace the Cloud or simply fall behind.

But, what does that mean for you?

The fact is, Australian SMEs are already using Cloud IT services to deliver business benefits through the use of the cloud for data storage, software applications, and so much more.

If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to begin the transition. But don’t panic! It’s actually fairly straightforward, and with our support, we can make the process as painless as possible.

●        Reduce costs

●        Bolster security

●        Easier accessibility

●        Increased flexibility

We’re only human and thus naturally averse to change. But, like it or not, change is happening and those who are embracing the transition will be the ones thriving in 2022 and beyond!

5 – In chaos there is opportunity…for hackers (data backup and recovery solutions)

One of the most frustrating and unfortunate things about the uncertainty surrounding recent events is the opportunity that it creates for hackers and con-artists.

With remote working and the rise in new technologies, many business owners become more vulnerable to malicious attacks from hackers and data thieves.

The fact is, data is the lifeblood of business and in order to really succeed over the coming years, not only are you going to need to keep your data secure but learn how to use it.

The important and critical thing at this stage is that your data is properly backed up and secure. At Computer Troubleshooters, we take data backup and recovery very seriously and can assist you with ensuring that your sensitive information is airtight and that your business is safe from nefarious intent.


We hope that you have found this article helpful. If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain and would like some guidance, then please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our business was built on the desire to make everything IT-related as simple and straightforward as possible. In other words, no matter how dire or uncertain things look in 2022 and beyond, we’ve got your back!